New Compositions for the piccolo flute
The XX century has seen the emergence of new piccolo flute compositions, which gave this instrument a soloistic perspective, with its own dignity and identity. These works originated from different parts of the world, so much so that they incorporate different musical techniques and genres. This article will tackle three new compositions for the piccolo flute, which feature new ideas for the piccolo flute repertoire.
Claudio Jose Boncompagni
‘Animando' Editions
Claudio Boncompagni, a Florentine, is a well established figure in the musical scene and is well known for his compositions. Some of his works have been awarded in prestigious competitions and from important institutions, such as “Orchestra della Toscana”. In fact the latter has commissioned some oh his works.
“Nuances” was written specifically for the piccolo flute. It enhances and demonstrates the instruments' capabilities in all fields of musicality such as: in articulation, emission and expressivity. The piece starts and ends in a multitude of different episodes, which are linked together by there varies length. The initial cross-reference is similar to an old funeral lament, a monotonous tune. The piccolo flute is presented in its primitive nature, to quickly free itself and discover:
• the instrument itself and the performer;
• the formative space;
• bars 11 – 32, the articulation and dynamics, tat give life to difficult rhythmic patterns;
• bars 33 – 43, the suspended atmosphere;
• bars 47 – 80, the indicative dance episodes;
• bars 81 – 97, the continuous fluctuation of the emission; and
• the accents and the melodic lines.
At times this monotonous tune appears like a point of reference for the ear, i.e. this is modified from an open harmonic space, which goes towards the final part, when it is recovered in its own enclosure. The piano forte is presented as an interlocutor in the initial contrapuntal-form episodes. It is like a poly-phonal amplifier in the fortissimo, and can be also compared to a sonorous ‘set-designer', for the recurrent use of the tonal pedal.
Nuances was presented and 1 st premiered in Roccasecca Italy. It was specifically composed for the International Severino Gazzelloni Festival of September 2003, and was performed by Nicola Mazzanti and Marta Cencini.
Daniele Pasini
“Rock Vivaldi”
For piccolo flute / flute and piano
Animando Editions
This young flutist, born in Cagliari, is also a prolific composer. His work is characterized by a fusion of three different but interesting musical genres, i.e. classical, jazz and rock.
“Rock Vivaldi” originates on the theme of the C Major Vivaldi concerto for piccolo flute and orchestra. It is inspired mainly from the progressive rock of the 70s, to the minimalism of Steve Reich. Its rock features include, doubling in octaves, frequent harmonic intervals of IV's and V's and the imitation of electric bass by utilizing rhythmic patterns in the low register. From the minimalistic technique of Steve Reich, he takes the phase displacement technique. This piece doesn't have a tonality, but more ‘tonal environments', 5 of which are to be found:
• introductive, half way between C Major and Bb Major (bars 1 – 26), that immediately introduce a contrast between the two rhythmic patterns of 13/8 and 4/4;
• half way between G minor and Eb Major (bars 27 – 53), where the theme appears: this is clearly felt between the bars 45 and 52;
• half way between Eb Major and Ab Major (bars 54 – 84), where there is the development, of which we find rhythms of 7/4 and ¾ (both of them from bar 54), 5/8 (end of bar 76) and 5/4 (bar 79);
• Gb Major (bars 85 – 114), between the development and the final part structure. In this one can clearly feel the emergence of the 1 st and 2 nd phases: the former because the antithesis is present between the rhythms 13/8 and 4/4; and the latter because it is re-proposed the first theme, but in harmonic minor environment; and there is also a rhythmic figure of 11/16;
• Conclusion, between Eb Major and C Major (bars 115 – 127), in which the rock theme prevails, confirming, that it is this style that dominates on the entire piece.
The wide rhythmic varieties give vivacity to the piece. It guarantees a constant energy throughout till the final climax!
Raffaele Bellafronte
Il Labirinto dell' anima (The labyrinth of the Soul)
For piccolo flute and string orchestra
Rai Trade edition
Raffaele Bellafronte is an important eclectic composer, who is well known in the international scene by his vast number of works. Some of his compositions were performed in important venues such as in the Kulturhaus in Vienna and Carnegie Hall in New York.
“Il Labirinto dell' Anima”, is a three movement concerto for piccolo flute and string orchestra. This concerto wants to express a journey within the mysteries and emotions of the soul. The melody of the piccolo flute introduces the listener in a magical world. The dance-like rhythmic sense reveals the passion for the physical earth and not for the super natural. The successive dialogue of the strings brings us to the initial sensations through a cross road between the harmonic and the melodic sense, that are developed in a transfigured polyphonic way.
The second time is presented by the strings pizzicato, that move between various instruments, leading the way for the violin solo and than for the piccolo flute solo. From this point onwards one can notice the emergence of two contrasting themes, i.e. a light and bizarre motif-like game, which later on is counterbalanced, by a slow and painful theme.
The strings open the third time with a mysterious sonority. The voice of the piccolo flute forces itself in this sonority, in order to fit in between the trills of the other instruments. It seems that the piccolo wants to find its position and significance. Again one can notice the rhythmic game of the strings, in a ritual magical way, which paves the way for the new melody of the piccolo. It is the time for unifying the diverse nature, which makes up the soul: there remerge the two contrasting elements, of the 1 st movement and the agitated finale, through the sensuality and the passion of the dance like motif, it seems that it wants to reaffirm the soul's extra ordinary human nature.
Il “Labirinto dell' anima” was commissioned by the Osterreichischen flotengesellschaft and premiered by Nicola Mazzanti, together with the Wieniawski-Philharmonie Lublin (dir. Martin Kerschbaum). This was performed at the Wiener Konzerthaus on the 30 November 2003, on the occasion of the 6 th Flotenfest.